A {\it local antimagic labeling} of a connected graph $G$ with at least three vertices, is a bijection $f:E(G) \rightarrow \{1,2,\ldots , |E(G)|\}$ such that for any two adjacent vertices $u$ and $v$ of $G$, the condition $\omega _{f}(u) \neq \omega _{f}(v)$ holds; where $\omega _{f}(u)=\sum _{x\in N(u)} f(xu)$. Assigning $\omega _{f}(u)$ to $u$ for each vertex $u$ in $V(G)$, induces naturally a proper vertex coloring of $G$; and $|f|$ denotes the number of colors appearing in this proper vertex coloring. The {\it local antimagic chromatic number} of $G$, denoted by $\chi _{la}(G)$, is defined as the minimum of $|f|$, where $f$ ranges over all local antimagic labelings of $G$. In this paper, we explicitly construct an infinite class of connected graphs $G$ such that $\chi _{la}(G)$ can be arbitrarily large while $\chi _{la}(G \vee \bar{K_{2}})=3$, where $G \vee \bar{K_{2}}$ is the join graph of $G$ and the complement graph of $K_{2}$. The aforementioned fact leads us to an infinite class of counterexamples to a result of [Local antimagic vertex coloring of a graph, Graphs and Combinatorics33} (2017), 275-285].
Shaebani, S. (2020). ON LOCAL ANTIMAGIC CHROMATIC NUMBER OF GRAPHS. Journal of Algebraic Systems, 7(2), 245-256. doi: 10.22044/jas.2019.7933.1391
Shaebani, S. . "ON LOCAL ANTIMAGIC CHROMATIC NUMBER OF GRAPHS", Journal of Algebraic Systems, 7, 2, 2020, 245-256. doi: 10.22044/jas.2019.7933.1391
Shaebani, S. (2020). 'ON LOCAL ANTIMAGIC CHROMATIC NUMBER OF GRAPHS', Journal of Algebraic Systems, 7(2), pp. 245-256. doi: 10.22044/jas.2019.7933.1391
S. Shaebani, "ON LOCAL ANTIMAGIC CHROMATIC NUMBER OF GRAPHS," Journal of Algebraic Systems, 7 2 (2020): 245-256, doi: 10.22044/jas.2019.7933.1391
Shaebani, S. ON LOCAL ANTIMAGIC CHROMATIC NUMBER OF GRAPHS. Journal of Algebraic Systems, 2020; 7(2): 245-256. doi: 10.22044/jas.2019.7933.1391