Document Type : Original Manuscript


1 National School of Applied Sciences ENSAK, Ibn Tofail University, BP 241, 14000 KenitraMorocco.

2 National school of Applied Sciences ENSAK, Ibn Tofail University, BP 241, 14000 KenitraMorocco.

3 Superior School of Technology, Ibn Tofail University, BP 241, 14000 Kenitra-Morocco.


In this paper, we present and examine the characteristics of (f, g)-derivations for a residuated lattice. Some relationships between (f, g)-derivationand isotone, contractive and ideal (f, g)-derivations are given. The set of fixedpoint of an (f, g)-derivation is introduced and its structure is studied. More precisely, we show that the set of fixed points is also a residuated lattice.


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