(weakly) $(s,n)$-closed hyperideals ‎in commutative ‎multiplicative ‎hyperrings

Document Type : Original Manuscript


Imam Khomeini International University


‎A multiplicative hyperring is a well-known type of algebraic hyperstructures which extends a ring to a structure in which the addition is an operation but the multiplication is a hyperoperation‎. ‎Let $G$ be a commutative multiplicative hyperring and $s,n \in \mathbb{Z}^+$‎. ‎A proper hyperideal $Q$ of $G$ is called (weakly) $(s,n)$-closed if ($0 \notin a^s \subseteq Q$ ) $a^s \subseteq Q$ for $a \in G$ implies $a^n \subseteq Q$‎. ‎In this paper‎, ‎we aim to investigate (weakly) $(s,n)$-closed hyperideals and give some results explaining the structures of these notions‎.
